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Contacting OKSocial

To start with, you can reach us on diaspora* at oksocial@podling.oksocial.net and on Pleroma (i.e. Mastodon-compatible) at oksocial@morph.oksocial.net. (Those are not email addresses, although they certainly look like it. They're OKSocial HQ's diaspora* and Pleroma accounts; you can send a message to them after you sign up for an account of your own ...)

You can also reach your local administrator on any OKSocial diaspora* server as podmin and on any OKSocial Pleroma server as admin.

If you're having trouble registering or logging in to an OKSocial server, please email us directly.

We do have an account on Twitter @OKSocial_HQ and also a facebook page; we don't follow either of those closely, so for the moment email is a better choice.

No Cuts No Buts No Profiting From Your Private Data

That's OK, right?
