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Public and Private Social Media Hosting

OKSocial provides donation-supported hosting of servers for the diaspora* and (Mastodon-compatible) Pleroma distributed social networks, which had 770,097 and 6,918,460 users worldwide (and growing ...) when I last updated this page (see the current stats for each on the-federation).

OKSocial servers do not have any advertising and do not collect or analyse any user information beyond what is necessary to provide high-quality access to the diaspora* and Mastodon-compatible networks.

OKSocial hosts three categories of servers:

Accounts on the public servers are free.

And as long as donations stay above the costs of running the system, OKSocial won't charge any fees for accounts on the community or private servers either; these servers may have fees if the donations from their local users aren't enough to meet the server's costs.

If, on the other hand, donations on a community or private server are higher than we need them to be, we'll pass the surplus to the sponsor of the server to do something nice for their moderators or whatever.

No Muss No Fuss No Aggregating Your Personal Information

That's OK, right?
